Aluminium Retrofit Double Glazing
Aluminium Retrofit Double Glazing
How does aluminium retrofit double glazing work?
Our designed and proven retroGLAZE® solution for existing aluminium windows and doors involves removing your inefficient single glass and changing out some profiles in your aluminium joinery to allow for a high performing, genuine double glazing to be retrofitted. Once installed, the changes are almost unnoticeable, giving you a solution that looks the same, but provides a warmer and drier home year round.

Why retrofit double glaze my aluminium windows?
Healthier home environment
More comfortable year-round with cosy windows
Refurbish & upgrade
Eliminate draughts, improve function & security of your home
Less invasive
Changes are virtually unnoticeable, can modernise look and feel
Window energy efficiency
Can achieve equivalent to 4.5 star WEERS rating*
Aluminium is durable
High quality outcome with long lasting value
Significant savings
Can save over 40% of cost of full replacement, then on-going savings