Privacy Policy

The Double Glazing Company is committed to your online privacy.

Commitment to website privacy and responsible use of information
At The Double Glazing Company, we are committed to ensuring the privacy of your information.

The following statement has been developed in recognition that Internet technologies, and specifically The Double Glazing Company’s application of these, are rapidly evolving. This statement addresses privacy issues relevant to our website.

Should we change our website privacy statement for any reason, such changes will always be posted to this page. However, if you have any further questions relating to this privacy statement, please do not hesitate to email us.

Information we collect
We may gather two types of information about our website users.

  1. personal information, provided voluntarily when you complete an online form or request for service; and
  2. aggregated information collected by our web server or third party systems we subscribe to for site traffic information.

Our web server collects the following type of information:

  • the number and location of site visitors (gathered via IP address logs)
  • the date and time of visits
  • the number of pages viewed
  • technical information on browser connections
  • traffic patterns

This is anonymous statistical data and no attempt is made to identify users or their individual browsing activities. We use this aggregate data to evaluate our website performance and measure the interest in various areas of the website.

Information disclosure
We may disclose information where you have authorised us to, or where disclosure is connected to the purpose for which it was collected – e.g. A request for a double glazing quote. You have the right to access and correct this information subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993.

We will not, however, use your personal information for any purpose that is not related to the products or services we provide to you, or for any purpose for which you would not reasonably expect us to use the information. For example, your information may be used by The Double Glazing Company, to enable us to offer you other products and services that may be of benefit to you. It’s your decision whether you wish us to provide this service to you.

We will not sell or disclose personal information about you as an individual to any third party or entity outside The Double Glazing Company for marketing purposes.

Cookies are small pieces of information that can be stored on your hard drive.

We use cookies for tracking traffic patterns within and from the site. This information is used to help us optimise the website design and services offered. For more information on the tracking we use, refer to the following Google Analytics section.
Note: the cookies sent to your PC cannot read your hard drive or command your computer to perform any action.

Google Analytics
The Double Glazing Company uses Google Analytics website measurement software to help measure traffic patterns to and from the website. The services are used to anonymously aggregate website statistics, such as the number of page views, the number of unique visitors, time spent on our site, when visitors browse, and common entry and exit points into and from the website. All information is aggregated by Google Analytics and provided to us to help us better understand the usage of the website – no individual visitors are identified. Google Analytics is a leader in the Internet industry and its systems have been adopted as an accepted interactive measurement standard amongst many New Zealand Internet sites.

For further information about Google Analytics – click here, and for details of Google Analytics privacy policy, click here.

How does Google Analytics work?
All the website pages are coded with a small piece of Google Analytics code that is transparent to you when you read that page. These pieces of software store cookies in your browser (if you have cookies enabled) which contains unique identifiers to allow us to track the number of unique visitors to the website. This information is collected and aggregated by Google Analytics and in no way can you be identified personally and no personal information is stored about you.

When you provide information
When submitting an online form, we will request specific personal information such as your name and address, title, your email address and a contact phone number. This information is necessary in order for us to respond to your request.

Email address
If you have provided your email address in respect to an online request, we may use your email address to respond to and advise you of progress on your request.
We may also use your email address to periodically send online promotional emails from The Double Glazing Company that are relevant to you. Whenever we send you a promotional email, we will give you the option to opt-out of further emails of this nature.

Security of captured data
To prevent unauthorised access, maintain data accuracy and ensure appropriate use of any customer supplied information, we have put in place physical, electronic and managerial processes to protect the information we collect via our website.
Additionally, all stored customer information is protected from unauthorised access through the use of secure passwords, user logons, and other security procedures.

Logging in to our Applications – OAuth Usage
As a business, we provide our customers with access to their project information through a ‘customer portal’.  This allows customers who have a project in progress to see their information (only), update it if necessary and complete decision-based tasks.  In order to access their customer portal, we use a secure login, working with the ‘OAuth’ standard.

OAuth is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used as a way for Internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords. This mechanism is used by companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter to permit the users to share information about their accounts with third-party applications or websites.

The Double Glazing Company makes use of OAuth to allow customers to easily log on to their project portal.  The data collected as part of a user choosing to login via their Google accounts (for example), is not used for any other purpose.  That is, the OAuth data is used only to allow customers to access the project portal.