Aluminium Windows
Aluminium Windows
If you have aluminium windows, we’ve got a number of retroGLAZE® double glazing solutions to improve the health and comfort of your home.
Aluminium frames have increasingly been used in homes across the decades for their contemporary, slim-line aesthetic, and low maintenance nature. If your existing aluminium joinery is in good, robust condition, you can save on time and money with our retroGLAZE® aluminium retrofit solution. If your joinery is not suitable for retrofitting, or you are wanting to refresh your home, take a look at our replacement window solution.
Explore our double glazing solutions for aluminium windows
Aluminium Retrofit
Retain your existing joinery and the natural character of your home
Replacement Windows
Refresh and modernise your home with our high performance joinery
Book a consultation
Find out the best option for your home with a visit from one of our experts